Tuesday 15 March 2011

Nicky Kinnaird Personal Appearances

I'm hugely excited to hear that one of my beauty icons, Nicky Kinnaird, founder of SpaceNK, will be making personal appearances in her stores throughout the UK this week. Nicky's impact on the UK beauty industry can't be underestimated...imagine a UK without SpaceNK? She's always got her fingers on the pulse & nine times out of ten, it's SpaceNK which introduces us to cult products first.
Nicky will be at the following SpaceNK locations this week:
16th March- Marylebone 10-2
17th March- Loughton 10-2
18th March- Kingston 10-2
23rd March- Glasgow 10-2
24th March- Cobham 10-2
31st March- Northcote Road 10-2
This really is a unique opportunity and as such, doesn't come cheap. The event costs £60 for which you get a 15min personal consultation with Nicky (bookable in advance through the relevant store on a first come, first served basis) and a 30min professional make-up lesson. Yes, it's pricey but the cost is fully redeemable against any purchases made and frankly, after a consultation with Nicky, you're going to want to shop!

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